
Tips to Start Running

We've heard it a million times before, that running is one of the best ways to get fit and lose weight. So, why isn't everyone out there running or jogging and getting fit? Because running can be daunting and painful and not the easiest activity for people. Many of our clients come to us because running is not comfortable for them or they don't know how to start running. Questions abound: how fast do I run? Am I running correctly? Why can't I run for more than a few minutes?

We firmly believe that everyone is able to run! How you start is very important. We recommend you create a plan or strategy. Here are our top tips for how to start running.

1. Run/Walk - this is probably the most effective way to start a running routine. Begin by walking fast for 5 minutes and then run for 1-2 minutes. Continue with the run/walk for 20 minutes (we suggest 3-4mins walking and 1-2 minutes running for beginners) Experiment with different lengths of running and walking.

2. Map it out - know where you are going. Use Map My Fitness or Google pedometer to map out a route that is 1 mile

3. Get some motivational music - pick about 7-8 of your favorite songs, load em up on your iphone, ipod, etc and head outside. Put a few of the slower tracks first and then build up to the fun, dance songs. Run for the length of your mix (20-25 mins). Here are some of our favorites: Hot Bird Music

4. Take it slow - pace doesn't matter! Start off slow and let your body get use to the new movement.

5. Make it social - find a friend and run or run/walk with them. Put it on your calendar and you'll be less likely to skip it. lululemon stores lead fun runs out of their stores. Find a store near you.

6. Keep an exercise log/journal - keep a record of your runs. Write down your activity - time, run/walk intervals, how you felt and time of day. This is a great way to see your progress.

7. Find a coach who you relate and will help you reach your goals!

We hope this motivates you to lace up those sneakers and get out there.